On My Way

in freewriters •  2 months ago


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    I was all set to create an account on sam.gov only to find out that it is connected with login.gov. Apparently I already had an account using the email I was attempting to use. The problem was it the two factor authentication did not include the email option and the number I signed up with is one I no longer have.

    My only option after looking into it was to delete the account. Doing this was not easy and I should have documented the process but I was not thinking I would need the information for a possible post. I was already trying to log in so the site would not allow me access to the front page.

    I ended up finding the way to delete my account by following a series of links that were not entirely easy to follow. In the end, I got to where I needed to be in order to delete the account.

    Somewhere I read that I could open another account using the intended email after twenty four hours. Only after I clicked the "delete account" link was I given a message to check the email where I found out the twenty four hours was the amount of time it would take before the account was deleted. Nice to know. The reason being is in case I was somehow magically able to gain access to the number I no longer have. I was not about to call it and ask the individual what text message they just got from the site.

    Then I started to worry that this might have an effect on the EIN I received last week. I then called the IRS and was transferred to the EIN specialist dept. Interesting to know specialist departments exist. There was a wait time of more than an hour so I opted to have a call back once it was my turn in the cue.

    I almost forgot about it until I got the call back and the woman was not understanding my question. She finally told me the site application had nothing to do with the EIN and I told her that is what I was getting at.

    So my mind is at ease once again and by the time this is read I will have been able to sign up for sam.gov and will be looking more into what is accessible for my abilities. I am a bit nervous and excited all at the same time but I believe it will be worth it.

    Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.

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