The Hidden Voices of Nature

in freewriters •  last month

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    Orlon found himself overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of the city sometimes and would ride out of town to sit by the stream and just listen to the sounds of nature.

    It was on this trip though when he thought he heard a group of people talking so animatedly that he discovered it was in fact birds. He wondered why the birds sounded so human but did not want to attempt conversation and be caught by someone who may be passing by so he just laid and listened to the chatter.

    Somewhere along the line the chatter of the birds had lulled him to sleep and he woke with a start at the sudden silence only to find he was no longer under the tree he had fallen asleep against.

    He decided he had been here long enough and headed back to the city and get some work done. He still needed to transfer yesterday's transactions to the ledger.

    As he walked up the steps he noticed a hawk sitting on tree limb nearby and thought he heard it talk to him as it flew off. He kept all this to himself hoping to be able to find what was going on without the towns folk finding out and labeling him as crazy.

    He continued on down the street and walked into Pendleton Depot.

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