The Hidden Storeroom

in freewriters •  2 months ago

    prompt - 3 5-19-24.pngimage created using deep ai

    Lorenzo stood in front of the monitor, watching to see any movement, when the radio popped, and the voice of Valeska came over the speaker.

    He picked up the radio and replied, "All clear for entry."

    Five minutes later, Valeska was walking into the mouth of the mountain. She checked the monitor, then moved to the cabinet on the back wall, setting her backpack on the floor. After opening the cabinet and the bag, she started moving the items onto the shelves.

    Lorenzo cleared his throat, got up with the scanner, and walked over to her. "How many times have I told you they need to be scanned and labeled?"

    She smiled sheepishly and replied quietly, "It has been a long journey. I'll try to remember and not slip up again."

    He picked up a board and turned to her. "What machine is this from?"

    Valeska had already started to go into the girls' dorm when Lorenzo asked her the question. She turned and looked to see what he was holding. "It was in a bin with tower and VCR parts. It looks like one of the PC motherboards."

    "These chips will come in handy," he mumbled as he continued cataloging the parts.

    "It will be quite the education for anyone who does not know how to get to the firmware," she said, walking to the dorm with laughter trailing her.

    I was clearing out my emails and decided to pick some words form my prompt newsletter and this list, mountain, education, laughter, and journey is what I used for today's writing.

    Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.

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