I Had Some Help

in freewriters •  last month

    DSCI0018.JPG@Travelingcrafter holding my first born grandson, image taken by me

    I was going through my files and doing some more organization. I wanted to have as many ai images available to me because I have switched back to my windows 10 laptop. It does not give off much heat and is easier to move around with because I do not need to keep it tethered to a wall outlet like my windows 7 laptop.

    I came across this image. It was the first time I met my grandson. It was thanksgiving and My daughter came to have dinner with me and @Travelincrafter. The timestamp on this is wrong though.

    I am not sure if I was just a bad shot or if this is the way all photo's came out in 2013. I wanted to see if I could make it better so I went to the stable diffusion bot I use and I got a totally different image.

    I then went in to the discord chat to ask for help thinking it would be a while before I heard back but I seem to have good timing in catching @ausbitbank fiddling with Arty.

    Travelincrafter and Baby Desmond - 2.jpeg
    image taken by me, edited in stable diffusion

    Every time I go into his discord I always learn something new. This time he helped me clear up the image, even removing the incorrect time stamp, and gave me some site links to check out to possibly help me correct future images. Anyway, he removed the background and got this.

    Look at her eyes. What are they saying to you? I cannot say what they say to me because that is a personal message.

    Travelincrafter and Baby Desmond - 3.jpeg

    Anyway after seeing the miracle ausbit was able to bull off with his skill I was happy with the turn out. The eye message stayed but he got rid of the timestamp and cleared up the image as best he could and even gave her a bit of a smile. Look at how beautiful they turned out.

    I would LOVE to see what could be done with the images in my mothers photo albums. Most of what she has are Polaroids and at least half of them she cannot recognize. I have suggested since she has so much time on her hands to go through them and label them before they come to me.

    Anyway, thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.

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