Middleton, U.S.A. …Part 31 …Showdown

in freewriters •  3 months ago

    Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some are things people are scared of. Some look like things people used to be scared of a long time ago. Sometimes monsters are things people should be scared of, but they aren't.
    ― Neil Gaiman

    Asperitas clouds 2.png
    Impending Storm

    It was still early afternoon and I had hours to wait until Bane's Empowerment session that night.

    I thought about going out for lunch but the idea of fast food didn't excite me.

    Besides, I was planning to take Andie out to The Copper Kettle for supper—just casual dining since I had to be at Bane's estate at 800 pm.

    Apparently, since it's a command performance and initiation ceremony, no guests are allowed, so Andie has to stay home...

    Yeah, my loss, but I'm sure she'll be praying as will Breton. So, even though I'm physically alone, they're watching over me in spirit.

    I find some raisin and cinnamon English muffins so I toast two and have them with coffee.

    It's a gray day and the house seems gloomy, so I go to turn on the lamps when I hear it—the sound of silence.

    It's not poetic, it's a real thing. Andie's house is usually filled with bird calls and various animals' chatter, but it's unearthly calm outside.

    I actually go out onto the covered deck to check for a cause and see it... in the sky.

    Overhead, the heavens are filled with undulating, wavy clouds rolling toward me. It's mesmerizing but also menacing.

    I take a pic with my i-phone and check on Wikipedia and find out they're called Asperitas clouds—the name means 'rough' and they're associated with storms, rough weather ahead, but do not themselves bring rain.

    I feel I'm being sent a message, but I'm not sure of the sender.

    Regardless, it's unsettling and makes me wary of what lies ahead.

    I whisper inside my head, message received. And so I also say a prayer myself for protection during the night ahead.

    Andie arrives home early just after four and hasn't had lunch so I decide to take her out to eat early.

    The rain has held off although it's dark and threatening. I tell her about Breton's call and she's both surprised and relieved.

    "That's a tribute to you, Sugar," she smiles, "that your mentor would still be thinking of you and watching over you after seven years."

    "Perhaps," I laugh, "but then again, he is an exorcist, so if he calls it's usually bad news."

    "Bad news for Bane, but good news for you, Boy-of- Mine—in this fight, you've got God in your corner. It doesn't get better than that."

    She had a point. I couldn't dispute. I'd rather Breton praying for me if Bane was set against me.

    On the drive home, the sky got darker and darker and lightning flared in the west.

    Andie frowned, "I don't like the look of that sky."

    "You think Nature's in sympathy with our moods?" I teased.

    "I'll bet all the creatures are scurrying off to their nests and dens—I'd rather have you by the fire with me tonight than in that devil's den Bane calls his estate."

    "I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be, Love, but duty calls."

    Her face darkened. "Oh, rut duty—and rut all those demons that fawn upon Bane and jump at his commands."

    "It'll be okay, Love—we've got the detectives, The Watchers, Breton and you at home praying and watching my back. What more could I ask?"

    "I'm worried about you, Darling—I don't know what I'd do without you."

    "Don't worry, " I whispered in her ear, holding her close, "I'm here forever and will never leave you."

    It was as close to a marriage proposal as I ever came, but I meant every word.

    To be continued…

    © 2024, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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