Middleton, U.S.A. …Part 23 …Contagion

in freewriters •  3 months ago

    Only one form of contagion travels
    faster than a virus. And that's fear.
    Dan Brown

    Hellish Experience

    Andie came home just after two p.m.

    "I thought we could go out for lunch, if you haven't eaten."

    "Actually, I haven't," I grinned, "I just got back from a jog and had a shower. I'm starving."

    "Well, Sugar, that sounds good to me—I’m hungrier than a tic on teddy bear."

    I don't think I'll ever cease being amused by Andie's southern slang that she calls 'country sayings'.

    She had her car keys in hand and was set to go. "Where would like to eat, Hon?"

    "Anywhere but Sardo's," I muttered. Just the thought of tomorrow's lunch with Bane would be enough to cause me heartburn.

    "Chick-fil-A it is, then," she laughed.

    What I loved about Andie was her down-home warmth and kitchen table casualness.

    Within minutes we were sitting in the restaurant sipping lemonade and eating chicken club sandwiches and waffle fries.

    I noticed Andie turned men's heads wherever we went but she seemed oblivious of the approving stares.

    When she was with me, she was with me—I dated other women who would have revelled in the attention, but she didn't.

    There was no pretension in Andie and her attention was focussed totally on me.

    "You say you went for a jog, Hon—how did that go? I'm assuming you didn't jog past Bane's estate again."

    "No," I smiled, I went the opposite way, but when I stopped to hydrate myself, I saw The Watchers lined up like sentries on the hill."

    "Bet that made you feel better, huh?"

    I nodded. "I feel honoured they're watching over us but it makes me feel guilty for being intimidated by Bane and his demonic hordes."

    "Shoot, Sugar, you should feel wary of Bane and his demons. Some people might get cocky figuring they can rely on the angels and get themselves in trouble. You've got a healthy appreciation of Bane's power. That's a good thing."

    "Funny you should say that," I laughed, "I almost waved to The Watchers and then realized how inappropriate that would be—same as thumbing my nose at the devil."

    "That's very mature, Darling. It took me months and long talks with Crissy before I realized that I don't need to hate Bane or his devils to oppose them."

    "Well, it wasn't my idea—I had a mentor in university, Father Breton, who taught me not to 'disrespect angelic majesties', as he put it."

    "And it wasn't just his idea either, " she smiled, "what he told you is Bible—look it up in Jude."

    "You're religious?" I asked, suprised.

    "I'm a believer—there’s a difference."

    This woman never ceased to surprise me.

    "By the way," she said suddenly, "Crsissy phoned and the detectives want to see you today and go through some practical things about wearing a wire and what questions to ask and so forth. They want to see you later this afternoon if that’s convenient."

    "Sure, I guess. I suppose they’ll also want recordings of what Bane says over lunch."

    "No, I don't think they need that for Sardo's. They have an inside man—that place is wired for sound."

    "Good to know," I smiled, feeling more confident now that both the law and the heavens were on my side.

    But reassuring as it was to know we'd win, I dreaded being near the contagion of demons and the darkness they'd bring.

    To be continued…

    © 2024, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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