Aliens …Part 9 …Rescue Operation

in freewriters •  5 days ago

    Men want a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.
    That is what is written in our hearts.
    John Eldredge

    Harbour Castle.png
    Westin Harbour Castle

    I was with Angelina in her suite at The Harbour Castle hotel but neither of us felt safe. It was one thing to be hassled by the CIA but far more intimidating to be stalked by the KGB.

    Obviously, both spy agencies were aware Angelina knew the location of a crashed alien craft and both were eager to get hold of alien technology before their rival could obtain it.

    But we felt the Russians were far more likely to use force to achieve their ends.

    The less threatening outcome would be telling the CIA what they wanted to know but that would crush Angelina— she worked for so long to get to this point only to have the opportunity of a liftime snatched away from her.

    “I don’t know what to do,” she moaned, “I thought my security team could be trusted and now here we are—completely vulnerable.”

    I shook my head. “We’re not completely vulnerable,” I assured her, “make some coffee while I make a phone call. There may be a way out here.”

    Five minutes later we were sitting on the couch sipping coffee awaiting a retrun call.

    “Who did you phone?” Angelina asked.

    “Veronique’s husband Paul—my best friend,”

    “How can he help?” She frowned.

    “He’s a fixer of sorts and has access to many resources. He promised he’d get back to me quickly.”

    At that moment, my cell buzzed. “He’s in the lobby and on his way up,” I said, “we’ll see what he has to say.”

    Paul Laurent entered the suite and after a brief introduction to Angelina went straight to work, drawing the curtains and sweeping the suite for electonic devices.

    He disabled two covert cameras and several listening devices.

    Angelina was shocked and looked at me inquiringly, but I gestured her to stay silent.

    Finally, he inspected her phone, laptop and tablet and bagged them and gave them to a coleague.

    “Your electonics are all compromised and your suite was bugged,” he told her solemnly. “I can place a security detail here for tonight but you’ll have to leave here—it’s not safe. Do you have a place where you can stay?”

    “She can stay at my condo,” I offered.

    “I can’t put you in more danger, Zach,” she protested.

    Paul spoke to her compassionately.

    “Actually, that’s what I was going to suggest. I have team now sweeping Zach’s condo and we’ll be better able to protect you both there.”

    Angelina looked dazed. “Do you mind if I ask what agency you work for?”

    I interjected, “Paul is head of CSIS, the Canadian Spy Agency. It helps to have friends in high places, I guess.”

    “The Canadian government has offered to assist you in securing the crash retrieval site and we will remove the craft and its contents to a high security facility where you’ll have total access to carry out your study and analysis of the craft.”

    “I—I don’t know how to thank you, Paul,“ she stammered, “I was at my wits end.”

    “We’re aware of the significance of your research, Angelina, and have also been monitoring your progress from afar. I offered Paul my assistance should he need it and we’re happy to support your on-going investigation. We’ll return your electronics as soon as we’re sure any spyware has been removed.”

    When Paul left, we both let out a huge sigh of relief.

    “Did you know CSIS was observing me all this time?” she asked.

    “I swear I had no idea. Veronique did whisper to me at the cafe that if I needed assistance I should contact Paul, but I thought she was simply being supportive. I thought this was just another assignment—until I saw you and wanted to get to know you personally.”

    “Is staying the night in my suite, personal enough for you?” she smiled mischievously.

    “Actually, it has far exceeded all my expectations,” I said, colouring.

    “Good to know,” she chuckled softly, “I hope the couch turns out to be comfortable for you.”

    She drew a line and I respected that. Truth was, any place near her was more than comfortable for me.

    To be continued…

    © 2024, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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