A Successful Month Of Posts

in freewriters •  last month

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    May has been quite an eventful month. I managed to stay on top of having a daily post and managed to become a government contractor.

    I was so busy studying the ling this week that when I woke up just before six this morning I was not feeling like doing anything. I did eventually get some cleaning done.

    This past week we have had quite a bit of rain which made the weather a bit cooler. I was loving not having to use my ac.

    During a break in rain showers I decided I needed to go to the store and on my way I stopped to look at one of the harvester ant nests in my neighborhood.

    Someone in the neighborhood likes to dump grass clippings on top of the nest not realizing that they are actually feeding that ants from any of the seeds that may be swept up with the mower.

    I got too close and did not realize I had a hitchhiker in my shoe until I started walking away. I started getting this stinging feeling on the inside of my left foot. I took my shoe off thinking it might still be on me, I slapped my foot a couple times and then I looked down ready to put my shoe back on and there she was, on the tongue. I banged the shoe on the ground to knock her off (not killing her) then had to sit down for about five minutes because the pain was too much.

    I have been bitten/stung by fire ants but that was more then 30 years ago and a much smaller ant. This was not a pleasant experience and I hope it will not happen again but I am not going to stop watching the ants. They are fascinating creatures. My foot is more itchy now than painful.

    Anyway that is it for the time being. Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.

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