The Coming Of Summer and Some Exciting Things

in freewrite •  2 months ago

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    Well my last queued/scheduled post went out Wednesday morning. It is now after 2 p.m Wednesday and I am writing this so I will have something to go our before #pypt (pimp your post Thursday). I was working on something that took me most of Monday and Tuesday to complete and will write about that in another post but for now I am attempting to play catch up.

    I got a letter in the mail on Saturday that had me bursting with excitement which led to my two day busyness. On Sunday we started to feel the heat in the house so I uncovered the window ac unit and plugged it in.

    I am doing this post form my windows 7 laptop but when it starts getting hot I will have to shut it down for the day and go sit in the only room that will be cool until tomorrow morning. My next post will probably be done from my phone sometime after dinner.

    Last year this time I did not have to share the outlets as I had not yet bought the computer tower. All that was on the desk at the time was a couple piles of books and some stacks of paper. Yes the desk is in front of the window because that was the only place where the plugs would not fall out of the outlet

    This year, unless I can figure out how to adjust things I will not have access to the outlets for the ac until five pm. I am hoping that all the work I have been doing since about the 13th or 14th of this month pays off.

    I am really excited about this new thing as it is in a way sort of a job. I do not think it will take away from my goal of daily hive posts though as it will be something I can do from home.

    Previously I had aimed to make a weeks worth of posts (7 days) by writing two a day but I don't think I managed to get passed five days. Then I slowed to one writing exercise a day.

    Now it is time to get back on track to do daily writing and this time my aim is to get two weeks ahead. I was close before and I have come to learn that once I set my mind to do something I can usually keep it going.

    Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.

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