Are you enthusiastic about life?

in fortnite •  4 months ago

    I have a kid who loves playing Fortnite, and that comes with both good stuff and bad stuff. But, it is incredible to see how you find energy you normally don't have when you are enthusiastic about something. What do I mean?

    A new season was just released in Fortnite and it was supposed to be released yesterday around 16.00. But, then came all sorts of technical set-backs and delays... and my kid was kind of sad. In the end, the new season was released at 04:00 this morning, and my kid has a full day program from 08:00. What did he do? He got up at 4:00, made popcorn, fixed himself breakfast (egg/bacon), and sat down to play until now (because we have to leave).


    And do you know what? He has had a great time. He is full of energy, simply because he is doing something that he loves, and it makes him able to get up that early in the morning, fix some food, and have fun.

    If we can bring that energy into our lives, our job, our family lives... that will have great impact. And yes, that is why it is important to do something that you are passionate about, because it makes life so much "easier" and more fun.

    For example, tomorrow evening there is the annual Academy Awards. I always write about it, and thus I stay up to watch quite a bit of the event. That isn't something causing me to suffer, instead, it is a kick, it is fun, it is an event! Yeah :)

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