Homemade Doughnut

in food •  5 days ago

    Good Morning!

    Another wet morning for us here, in BC, Canada. Rained yesterday, raining today, and tomorrow supposedly gonna rain as well. I still haven't plant and/or replant my raspberry bush, haskap berries, my hydrangea tree,

    My youngest is getting better, but then my husband started to feel blah. He didn't go to work yesterday. And this morning? My oldest didn't wanna have breakfast as his throat hurts. Joy. Once one is sick, the rest will follow suit 😅 I hope I won't get sick. I have dentist appointment coming up, a garden tour that I am really looking forward too, a birthday party to attend, and then there's the Summer Camp as well. Busy, busy, busy, please keep me healthy 😆😁😆😁

    Before the rain started to fall yesterday, I managed to fry doughnuts, so today's recipe is doughnut 😍


    180 ml lukewarm water
    1 tsp active dry yeast
    A pinch of sugar
    250 g flour
    A pinch of salt
    1 1/2 tbsp sugar
    26 g unsalted butter
    Chocolate based sprinkles
    Cooking oil for frying

    Pour water into a bowl, add yeast, then sprinkle with sugar. Let stand 5-10 minutes to soften, until bubbly


    In another bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt, and make a well in center. Pour in yeast mixture, knead



    Knead in butter then cover with cling wrap. Let rest for at least 30 minutes.



    Roll the dough and cut into doughnuts, let rest covered for 15-20 mins


    Meanwhile preheat your oil

    Fry doughnuts til golden brown



    Melt extra unsalted butter, 1/4 c, and brush on doughnuts, sprinkle top with chocolate sprinkles


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