Nature and its details, flowers and leaves.🌺🌺 La naruraleza y sus detalles, flores y hojas.

in flowers •  4 months ago


    Nature and its details are my passion, I have been taking photos of them for years, I have been walking and observing their details, flowers on the ground, branches where the sun's rays strike, the bark of trees and their textures, sometimes I apply filters to them during their editing in adobe Photoshop I like to see the intense colors of nature. and what do you guys think about these photos


    La naturaleza y sus detalles son mi pasión, les realizo fotos desde hace años, voy caminando y observando sus detalles, flores en el suelo, ramas donde inciden los rayos del sol, la corteza de los árboles y sus texturas, en ocasiones les aplico filtros durante su edición en adobe Photoshop me gusta ver los colores intensos de la naturaleza. y ustedes que piensan de estas fotos

    My current gear

    Camera: Nikon D 7000
    Len: Nikkor 50 mm

    English is not my first language, I use Google Translation.

    Copyrigth © by @daryh All rigths reserved, 2024

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