It's #flowerfriday Fellow Flower Fans

in flowerfriday •  3 months ago

    Well, being that it's #flowerfriday, I thought I'd show off some spring bulbs I planted last November :D

    Murphy likes the yellow one I guess.

    I recently had to get a new phone and on the advice of @sentsless I picked up a google pixel 7. I really just wanted the best camera out there and I had seen some real nice snaps on his blog.


    At the hardware store in late fall, all the bulbs were half price so I grabbed a few bags to try my hand.

    Both these were in a mixed bag of Tulips.


    Love those multi color petals 😍


    Post your flower snaps in comments if you want. I'd love to see what you got growing in your yard.

    Have a great weekend!

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