Lost In The Pages

in fiveminutefreewrite •  2 months ago

    Library reader2.png

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    Marla loved going to the library. Her favorite thing was to grab a good fantasy book and pick a quiet corner away from other patrons. This day was no different. She had read this book before and loved the feeling of getting lost in the story.

    Today was different because when she got up to go to the bathroom she found herself in a castle. She knew exactly what castle it was and so decided to play along as a servant. She walked past the princes door and heard him talking to his aunt.

    She knocked on the door.

    "Excuse me your highness can I get you anything before going to the kitchen?"

    He turned to her and waved her away.

    She continued on down the hall with a smile.

    Having this little adventure and meeting some of her favorite characters was an exciting breath of fresh air but she realized she had been reading for some time and wondered how she could get back to the library or even what time it actually was.

    She leaned against a wall in a shadowy corner and closed her eyes. That is when she felt a change in the feeling of the wall against her back and she opened her eyes again to see the lights had been turned off.

    Marla got up and walked around discovering she had somehow been missed and locked in the library.

    This one I started out with a five minute timer but felt I could not end the story when the timer went off so I had to continue it until she got back to the library. This could be an interesting continuation. If you have read this and enjoyed it I look forward to engaging with you in the comments.

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