Challenge #04388-L004: Comfy Cosy Calm

in fiction •  2 months ago


    A cup of hot, havenworlder safe, chocolate, a crackling, if simulated, fire, and a warm, quiet, room with my best friends chatting and playing board games. This evening is just what I needed. Maybe I'll take a nap. -- Anon Guest

    What many people didn't expect from such lunatic Deathworlders as Humans was - they knew how to relax. They engineered supreme comforts and even tailored them to accommodate their companions.

    Such as this cozy environment. Just cold enough to warrant wrapping oneself in soft, warm layers. Just chilly enough to truly enjoy wrapping one's hands around a large mug of hot chocolate. Well. Hot carob, specially strained to remove any grit. With extra marshmallows and easy-to-digest cream on the top.

    The crackling imitation fire provided both white noise and counterpoint to the cozy environment. Enough identifiable danger to allay Fritt's suspicions that it was too quiet. And, for the best results, their Human friend sharing the cushions next to hir. Also enjoying Hot Carob, also snuggled in a fluffy blanket, and most importantly - so calm she was almost falling asleep.

    That was the best reassurance that all was well. If a Deathworlder was relaxed enough to doze, then there were no immediate threats. Human Wes could wake up from a snoring sleep at the slightest hint that something was amiss.

    This was exactly what they both needed after a long, difficult day.

    [Photo by Rinck Content Studio on Unsplash]

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