Challenge #04093-K075: Three Little Words

in fiction •  4 months ago


    The man has recovered and is traveling with his two Pax Humanis friends. It's surprising how many jobs one can get with these two lovelies at one's side. Sure the jobs are dangerous, but yanno, this is kinda fun. -- Anon Guest

    Ren eventually named them the Dangerous Beef Trio. He'd worked on his physique before the meet cute incident; primarily to look good and scare off the wrong kind of people. Now he worked on his physique to match his cuties.

    Altan and Calfuray were pleased with his progress, and there were more than a few incidents of consensual crushing.

    Getting back to work was... interesting. Both his cuties had to acquire special passes and check in with their therapists regularly. There was a frighteningly long text about how best to live with Pax Humanis murderers when one was not one of them.

    Ren also had to check in regularly. It was the first time he'd had a regular therapist. And honestly, it was a means to ensure that his Pax Humanis cuties hadn't eaten his head. Or reduced his bones to powder a second time.

    It was going to make Ren's usual work interesting to say the least. Traveling curio merchants taking interesting things from one place to another could both benefit and get drawbacks from the presence of two hulking predators in hazard colours. On one hand, nobody was going to rip him-- them off. On the other, he might get too many overly-favourable deals.

    He had to make sure his cuties weren't too menacing.

    Which was very difficult for them to do.

    They had to wear their hazard colours. They were walking hazards, after all. People whose killing instincts were on a hair trigger. Knowing what those triggers were helped anyone working with them. Or beside them. Or in their general aura.

    Ren was officially the closest person in debatable control of his cuties' impulses. The good news that there was a guaranteed phrase to get them both to cool it for a minute or two.

    The current merchant Ren was talking to was slowly shrinking in their place. Ren could guess why.

    The cuties were accidentally looming. Again.

    Ren turned to his cuties and said, "Guys? Green growing place."

    Calfuray was the first to take a deep breath and start visualising. Altan wasn't far behind. Both going from outright menaces to living pillars who could become menaces again if things went terribly wrong.

    "They'll be away in their happy place for a good ten minutes," breezed Ren. "Now. About a fair deal. Initial costs plus travel expenses, storage fees, and the cut for the maker. At minimum."

    [Photo by Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash]

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