Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Toshikazu Kawaguchi

in fiction •  5 months ago


    This was a real cozy and pleasurable read for me. The writing was not overly complicated, and I understood what was happening. I liked that the stories were separated but they also connected so much. In earlier experience I have felt like the stories are so long and kinda have so many small details that I do not need in short-stories collections. For me this was not a problem while reading this. I felt honestly I was just sitting down and relaxing and enjoying a good book with a small percentage of confusion.
    The stories were all long enough to make you feel you were not left out of anything but short enough that I did not want to rip out someone's throat so the story continues along.

    I also really enjoyed the whole idea of this time traveling. It is simple in the idea and does not complicate the storyline too much. It is short and just as a small little experience. I almost felt like it is just like when you have a cup of coffee (or tea for my taste) and you start daydreaming. But in that daydreaming you get lost and suddenly you have bad time and need to drink as fast as you can and get along.
    And I feel that the concept where the time traveling is only while the coffee is worm (so not a long time) can in some ways be the same. So on the same topic the ghost, is someone that got lost in the daydream. And so is not anymore connected with the real world and lost all that mattered in the present.

    More about the stories:

    I was going blind into the story and didn't know anything about it, except that the story takes place in a coffee shop. Because of that, at first, I was really confused by the time-travel-elements in the book and had to get used to it. The first story was so boring. I was shocked by the length of the chapter, and it took forever to read. The characters felt flat and dealt with such common problems, that I couldn't get my head around to enjoy that. The second chapter was so much better. I was really skeptical after the first story, but this one changed my mind about the book. Sure, at the beginning it felt quite the same as "The lovers", but I loved how the story progressed and ended. The third story was okay. It's not something extraordinary, but I came to liking with the characters. Also, the connection between all of them was interesting, and I liked to see them developing further. I am not sure how I feel about the fourth story. The background of the waitresses were interesting, but it was written a bit bland. The "plot-twist" about travelling to the future opens a whole new world, and it was refreshing to see how that could turn out. Anyways I just felt it was a good and relaxing book, so overall I really enjoyed reading it.

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