Challenge #04115-K097: Breaking Point

in fiction •  3 months ago


    Their significant other had struck them once too often. Aboard the station, the slap was more than audible. Sunshine and Jay saw the person so struck suddenly get a blank look, and leap upon their abuser with their hands around their neck. Too many years of beatings will do that to a body. -- Anon Guest

    [AN: Spousal abuse is not a thing in Alliance territories because children are taught from day dot that hitting other people is not okay]

    Welcome to the Edge Territories, things are a lot wilder than the expected norms, here. There are a lot less of the normal rules. And not enough of the expected education. And when it came time for catching up... things could get rough.

    Mr Sunshine and Jay were on their way back to their CRC contact when it happened.

    The couple were in a heated conversation, and one raised their hand to slap the other. It happened so fast, but Jay fell into a defensive stance, ready to strike as necessary. Mr Sunshine activated his eyecam, making sure he had a good view of the incident.

    They didn't need to act. The one who got slapped picked up the nearest movable object and used it as a weapon against their attacker. They knocked their partner out cold.

    "I don't have to rely on you any more," they said to the fallen form. "Consider this a divorce."

    Security dragged the both of them away, and did so in different directions. Mr Sunshine turned his evidence in, and Jay went with their prentice therapist experience to help with the still-conscious divorcee.

    They were in tears and shaking when Jay got there. Jay recognised the post-action trauma response. Where expectations clashed violently with reality. The victim turned attacker expected vengeance from their former abuser.

    They had already thrown up once, and was looking ready to throw up again. Jay offered tissues and a water bulb, and did their best to be harmless. Including choosing to sit on a cushion on the floor.

    "Ze's going to be so mad," they warbled. "I don't know why I did that."

    "Ze can be as mad as ze likes, you're free of hir now," soothed Jay. "Do you know what these colours mean?"

    Nod. "I've b-been watching educ-c-cational fids when ze's nnn-not home. You're p-pax humanis. You kill people."

    "Not just kill," said Jay, still maintaining an aura of calm. "We teach permanent lessons to people who won't learn by any other way. As a Cogniscent Rights Agent, I am authorised to help you escape a situation which is hazardous to your continued health."

    "Speak sss-softly and carry a b-big stick," they said.

    "Mr Sunshine and I are the biggest sticks in the immediate area," offered Jay.

    Their new charge found that funny. Better to laugh than to scream.

    [Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash]

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