Challenge #04077-K059: Defensive Action Lessons

in fiction •  5 months ago


    Jay asks to sit and watch as Lilicoon is talking self-defense classes. -- Anon Guest

    "We both know I don't need it with you," said Lilcoon. "I wish to be prepared for all other circumstances."

    "I'm not guarding you," said Jay. "I'm not worried. I want..." they flailed for the right words, trying to fish them out of the air with their fingers. "I want to know how it's taught."

    "You already know how to fight, yes?" said Lilcoon.

    "I know how to be violent," Jay corrected, walking by her side on the way to her first class. "I know how to grab whatever's near and use it to hit some [WASTE VENT] to make them stop hitting me. I know how to wait until they're vulnerable and keep kicking until they can't ever kick back again. I never learned it. Not properly. I don't have strategies, I just... strike. And keep on striking until they can't get me back."

    "Would you like to learn with me?"

    "I did ask," said Jay. "My therapists say it's a high-risk environment. I might enter a defensive mechanism and... do all the other stuff. I can watch, and reassure myself that it's not a bad place, but... Participating? I should not participate. Not until I'm sure it's safe for everyone. Including me."

    "Fair," said Lilcoon. "I must be honest, and tell you that I am nervous about participating."

    "You're going to be fantastic," said Jay. "I believe in you... and I might be cheering for you. If that's allowed."

    "Cheer softly?" asked Lilcoon, "There are Havenworlders present."

    The classroom looked like any other physical activity classroom, with lots of padding for the floor and some educational displays on the walls. And one very reassured entity greeting their class.

    "Hello," said the educator. "I am Master Twii."

    Ah. That was all right then.

    [Photo by David Brooke Martin on Unsplash]

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