Challenge #04117-K099: Remove the Cause

in fiction •  3 months ago


    The Culpeo, and others like them, are getting CRC monitors that don't take cogniscent abuse lightly. The numbers of deaths begin to drop significantly, those that were dead and simply "dumped" are picked up so they can be given proper memorials. The new group that formed to do this have the full backing of the CRC. -- Anon Guest

    Things were a long time in understanding, on both sides. Karo took some time to understand the Cogniscent Rights Committee. Dirk took some time to understand Culpeos and their methods of earning profit from the desperate.

    Once understanding was accomplished, the real problem surfaced.

    How to eliminate the cause of the crime. Which was not how most new to the Alliance tended to look at things.

    Fitting the punishment to the crime is one thing, but it always aims at the perpetrator. Thus, actions of the ilk can only harm one criminal at a time. The best way to solve crime, is to seek out the cause, and annihilate it.

    The cause of Culpeos would have to be assorted polities strictly enforcing laws penalising hitchhikers, stowaways, and general escapees. Rising to fill the gap were the Culpeos, who overcharged, under-supplied, and in general did not care about the passengers desperate enough to use their services.

    Enter the CRC Party Bus. On the outside, a violently obvious tour bus with a very negligent attitude towards keeping track of how many passengers it had.

    It always started the tour with about twenty Galactic Citizens, and way too many empty berths. It tended to finish with a passenger roster of over two hundred, including children, minors, and babies. Like any Alliance service, it was free. It provided all needs without charge and without question.

    There was a greeter at every airlock. Smiling and deliberately harmless. "Welcome back to Alliance territory," they chirped. "Would you like an associate to remind you of all free facilities on board?"

    The new passengers would eventually learn that the greeters were not insane, but deliberately providing plausible deniability.

    Once word got out, the Culpeos careers were dead in the water.

    And so were the Culpeos. After Pax Humanis tracked them down.

    [Photo by Maxime Lebrun on Unsplash]

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