Challenge #04128-K110: Unwelcome in More Places

in fiction •  3 months ago


    Several humans from a larger nearby polity, learning of the city of Middenden, try to go and subjugate it. It's filled with "filthy monsters" after all and "devils". Their heavily armed soldiers, and their leaders, quickly learn these beings are not weak, and are tired of being treated like this, they deserve respect too, damnit! -- Lessons

    The real problem with People of Import is that they have a great influence on everyone who knows them. Lies Hashu could be very vocal, as all the citizens of Middenden well knew. She bullied her way into the attention of Duke Urbicandol Koyunlyr, who had an impressive army and a low tolerance for self-important trumpeting.

    Those uppity types had to be controlled. Taught their place. Otherwise, they'd all get ideas. Think they could govern themselves. And then they'd get stronger than they deserved to be, and spread corruption and deprivation all over the known world.

    She didn't even need a third chorus of, "Think of the children!"

    Koyunlyr assembled his armies, siege weapons and all. His skyship was a fancy, luxury model and couldn't carry much in the way of weapons. So the armies and all their equipment had to slog over hill and vale, across rivers and mountain ranges, to just get to Middenden.

    The siege engines that didn't get bogged were the ones that tipped off the narrow roads and smashed to pieces. A tenth of the army survived to even witness the chaotic architecture of Middenden.

    The little town of Unwelcome People hadn't lain idle since Lies had been forcibly escorted past the border. They had lookout towers, and siege weaponry of their own. They had wizards, sorcerers, and other spellcasters in prime positions. They had the best traps that devious minds could concoct.

    All non-lethal, but definitely unpleasant.

    Koyunlyr and his forces didn't last very long at all. A Halloblood snatched him off his horse and dumped him in a cesspit. It took him the rest of the ludicrous battle to clamber out.

    Where he wound up facing down three Hellkin, five bugbears, and a host of Kobolds and Goblins, all lining the branches of one very angry Troll.

    They had much better weapons to hand than Koyunlyr. All ready to use on him.

    He surrendered, and spent the next handful of months drafting a peace treaty between himself and Middenden, with a declaration of borders for anyone else who might take objection.

    Lies Hashu was persona non grata in his duchy henceforth.

    [Photo by Anna Gru on Unsplash]

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