Challenge #04110-K092: The Important Points

in fiction •  4 months ago


    I run a school to teach new pilots how to fly their ships, how to work with the Gravy Drives and their caretakers, and all the ins, outs, and laws of owning and flying a ship here in the Alliance. I get to travel a lot so I really love my job, it's never boring! -- Anon Guest

    The controls and simulator teach pilots the essentials. All the variants of controls available and how to interact with them properly. That can only take a pilot so far. To really learn how to fly, you have to meet your Gravy Drive and at least get along with them.

    You really want to listen to their companion Nae'hyn. The Gravy Drive is not their property... it's more of an animistic deity that's also a family member. It's complicated. The Nae'hyn are the only ones who can build -er- birth a Gravy Drive, and it's all in their philosophy. Faith. Mindset. It's hard to tell from the outside, and those on the inside insist we're all asking the wrong questions.

    What I teach most? Proper Nae'hyn manners and how to relate to your Gravy Drive. You can hook up all the controls you like, but if your Drive doesn't like you, they're going to act in their own self-interest. That could end badly for everyone on board.

    Rule one: Above all else, be polite. Good manners are the grease in society's gears and getting along with everyone is generally a good idea.

    Rule two: If you can't always get along with the Nae'hyn, work on gaining the Drive's approval.

    Rule three: If you have to go out of your way to do that, you will go out of your way to do that.

    Rule four: Do not underestimate the power of talking to the Drive. Even if you feel like a fool, do it. Hell, you can even talk about feeling like a fool. It really works.

    Rule five: Never. Ever attempt to fly with a Drive that does not like you. Ignoring this rule has killed thousands.

    Ships that use Gravy Drive achieve close-to-light speeds by creating a virtual black hole in front of the ship, moving it as the ship moves. You do not want that going wrong. For what it's worth, it's near to instant. That doesn't make it better.

    Some pilots get along with everyone. Some are best suited to one ship and one ship only. Some know they're better at flying more... mechanical systems, and stick to piloting short inner-system flights or taking the Hyperspace shifts where the Drive can't operate.

    They want to fly between the stars. It's my job to make certain they can do that safely.

    I'm good at my work.

    [Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash]

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