Sunrise on the Reaping - Suzanne Collins

in fiction •  8 days ago


    I was a bit worried that this book wont bring anything new to the table since we know Haymitch will survive, and even know what the Arena looked like etc. from book 2. But it positively surprised me. The twist that anything the Capitol puts out might be lies wasnt anything I thought about, but it makes so much sense. I think the strengths of the book really were outside of the arena, building Haymitchs character, his similarities to Katniss, and his differences. He was easier on board with playing a role and trying to get sponsors, had an easier time making friends etc.
    And the book managed to make me root for many characters even though I knew they would die. Maysilee, Ampert, Louelle, Lou Lou... I thought "if the capitol lied about the Arena breaking down, maybe someone escaped and they lied about that, too?", but ah well...
    And it was interesting to see how the Games had changed from Songbird and Snakes; and how it will still continue to change until HG. I guess they did work on the safety of the Arena (in a sense that it can not be manipulated as easily from Tributes). And it was interesting to hear more about Wiress' games.
    The end was heartbreaking. I was still hoping that Lenore Dove would be able to flee somewhere. No wonder that Haymitch does not want anyone close, no wonder he is the way he is during Katniss' books.
    and I thought it was interesting to read that Plutarch was all the time trying a revolution, and it needed so long to finally take place. Made me wonder if there were attempts with other tributes, or other political tries to overthrow Snow from inside the capitol.
    still pondering the question if this book was "needed". It brought some new things to the world, but was to me mostly more about Haymitch, and more information about this world. And maybe some fan service?, idk?, more about Katniss' parents, old winners, etc.
    But I think it doesnt really matter, I enjoyed the book a lot. The HG universe is comfort media for me (as weird as it sounds, with this brutal world), so I liked having more from that universe and will for sure reread it a few times over the next years. I liked seeing teenager Haymitch, learn more about the seam, his life, and also about the machinery behind the Arenas.
    So.. had a good time, and I really want to reread Catching Fire now. Or at least skim it to find the parts in which Haymitch is involved, hear him talking to Mags and Beetee etc.




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