Challenge #04074-K056: Zen and the Art of Learning

in fiction •  4 months ago


    Several students of Twii have opened their own dojos to help teach that which they'd learned from their sensei. Twii decides to visit to inspect the dojos, and see how lessons are coming along. -- Anon Guest

    A good education is like a virus. It's pretty much designed to spread. Knowledge shared is strength that unites both teacher and student. And if the teacher is really good, they're willing to learn from the student.

    Thus, Master Twii traveled to other Dojos, to see what ze could learn there.

    It took a long time to see all of them, but that was all right. Twii had all the time in the universe, after all. Ze didn't just see hir students, but hir students' students. Not everyone chose the form of immortality Twii had.

    Such a journey could take centuries, even with CTL travel[1].

    So it was that many Dojos didn't know their 'ancestral' sensei when ze turned up.

    All the better to learn something new.

    Here, they were teaching Havenworlders.

    "The key," said the sensei of this Dojo, "is calm. Maintain a perfect attitude of Zen, and all else shall follow. Knowledge of what to do helps maintain the calm, but possessing it in the first place is the best first step."

    Twii knelt with the others, working on perfecting total calm.

    Working on maintaining it no matter what came to oppose hir. No matter what fears might rest in hir heart.

    There is always something to learn.

    [1] CTL - Close To Light. Faster than light is only possible in the parallel dimension known as Hyperspace; and even then, there's issues.

    [Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash]

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