Challenge #04069-K051: Justice in Plain Sight

in fiction •  5 months ago


    The Honor Guard now has bases around the world, after so many centuries. And yet, their principals have never wavered. Corruption is absolutely NOT tolerated in their ranks and cut out swiftly, by any means necessary. And always their goal is the same. To follow the example of their founder, Wraithvine, and help keep a balance to this world. -- Fighting Fit

    The Lutemen may pluck the strings to shape the world, but the Honour Guard are the ones to either cut or shield them as appropriate. They seek out areas of injustice, where the weak and downtrodden need protection from the strong and overbearing.

    Their sigil is a sword and shield, with the blade pointing downwards. Symbolising that though they are ready to fight to defend... fighting is not their first option.

    Quite unlike the Lawsright, whose sigil is an upraised gauntlet, clenched in a fist. They allegedly fight for justice as well, though they are frequently working against it.

    It was no shock that one group would be favoured over the others by a certain type of ruler.

    The greater shock was in how the others found their way in, regardless.

    A Luteman hides in plain sight, often as part of the common throng. An Honour Guard does the same, most frequently as an itinerant sellsword or Adventurer. Though that is not the rule.

    They also build charity houses, that quickly evolve into strongholds. They're encouraged by the forces around them to learn and teach in ways that are more covert.

    When the tyrannical forces fear that justice is after them, justice has to creep in with the shadows. So the strongholds are light and airy. The fortifications are restored from the old ruins they routinely inhabit. Further, the students learn ways to fight and defend that don't require steel or obvious components for magic.

    Anyone can wear a wooden hairpin, and if it's laquered with care, nobody could tell at sight that it's hazel wood. Anyone can play a simple musical instrument, or carry a hunting bow. Anyone can learn the control of breath and body necessary to use varied martial arts.

    In extreme cases, those martial arts look like ballet. The magic lessons looked like studies of foreign languages, or calligraphy. Or, for that matter, being an acolyte of the very god of justice that the Lawsright purport to follow.

    And in those extreme cases, the agents of the Lawsright go down with the tyrannical rulers they supported.

    Quick, clean, and often with the help of that same god of justice acting in accordance with his bailiwick.

    They're very surprised when it happens that way.

    [Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash]

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