Challenge #04097-K079: Help in All Forms

in fiction •  4 months ago


    Several humans, in their early teens, had been Master Twii's students. Having graduated from Twii's classes as they entered their late 20's, now went to a Gyiik temple. Their goal? To learn to cook as well as the Gyiiks and the portions they cooked. These humans wanted to start an all-around service where not only did they physically protect others, but also made sure no one ever went hungry. -- Anon Guest

    There's one advantage that Gyiik's have as Heavyworlders[1] inside their impressive kitchens. Alongside being able to adapt to other environments, they also have four arms. Two for gathering, they say, and two for giving.

    Most of the known universe does not share this blessing.

    If anyone could match them in the kitchens, it had to be Humans. Simply because they were the kind to match, if not outperform, any other given species in the Alliance or out of it. These ones arrived in pairs, and bowed to the head chef with one fist pressed into the other palm.

    They were fast. Each pair moved like one being. They had the basics of cookery settled before they began, and learned quickly.

    The interesting part was when a Deregger tried to create trouble. The instant the tantrum began, there was one on each arm. Gently, but firmly restraining them from causing any damage.

    "This is not commonly endorsed behaviour," two chorused. Not touching the Deregger, yet making it clear that they could in a moment. "Please make an effort to retain an aura of calm, or we will have to insist you leave the premises."

    "You little weeds can't do jack to me!" the Deregger attempted to throw a punch.

    Witnesses could not tell exactly what the matched pair of apprentice chefs did next. In one blink, they were standing calmly next to the hostile Deregger. In the next, the matched pair were still standing in the same place, but the Deregger was tumbling over themself on the pedestrian traffic lane outside the temple/kitchen.

    The Deregger attempted to charge back in, and found themself back out amongst the public area.

    Head Chef Ari had to hand off her work to other apprentices. All to exit the central kitchen and ask one vastly important question: "How did you do that?"

    "We learned how to defend from Master Twii," said Apprentice Yi.

    "Now we seek to learn how to help in other ways," continued Apprentice Mei.

    "A one-stop shop, if you will," they chorused.

    [1] People who evolved on higher gravity planets than the expected norm.

    [Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash]

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