Challenge #04116-K098: Will They Won't They

in fiction •  3 months ago


    Can we pretty please have the convo between the two beings, the one in love and the one they are in love with? This outta be fun! -- Anon Guest

    Human Flor was starting to wonder if he'd caused an accidental offense. Diagnostician Eun kept staring at him in random moments. Approaching and then running away. Sending pings for permission to speak, and then ghosting him.

    Asking Therapist Rhett about it only resulted in assurances that it was nothing harmful, and to allow Eun their time.

    At the tenth appointment, Eun turned up. Feathers fluffed to their fullest and running through every single one of their calming and relaxation techniques. Evidently, their side of all this mess had been just as stressful for Eun as it was for Flor. Maybe it was just as existentially terrifying.

    Flor did his best to look harmless whilst also being scared out of his wits about what could possibly happen now.

    Eun looked halfway ready to bolt, though there was little in the way of hiding places on this ship. Even for a little Havenworlder like Eun. "Uhm," they squeaked. "Hello?"

    "We meet again," said Flor, aiming for flippant but ending up with an evil villain cliche. The association compelled him to add a completely deadpan, "Mwahaha."

    "Heheh," said Eun. "I must apologise for my behaviour over the past... months. It has to do with... a confession I've been... avoiding."

    "I won't hurt you," said Flor. "No matter what it is, we can settle this like rational adults."

    There was nervous energy on both sides. Two staring at each other and working on their calming breathing.

    Whatever Flor had dreaded, it was not a fluffly little Havenworlder pushing their way through, "I think I love you, okay?"

    It was like running to smash through a locked door, only to have it fall away at the last instant. "Oh," said Flor. "I was not prepared for that."

    "I understand if my feelings aren't returned," began Eun.

    "I mean... I thought you hated me, so this is a definite step up. We should probably enjoy some bonding activities to see if we're even compatible."

    "I'm fully prepared to keep my distance if-- wait. Pardon?"

    "We should at least see if we grok and mesh, you know?"

    Eun didn't, but they were willing to try.

    [Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash]

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