The Painful Cost Of Theft - Original Poem and Commentary - Enjoy with Troy!

in familyprotection •  5 months ago



    The Painful Cost Of Theft

    Hiding, hurting, holding pain
    Effort endless to sustain
    Pressure pushes pressing out
    Shattered, spattered angers shout.

    Weathered, worn in wasted breath
    Tattered, torn forlorn to death.
    Bruised, abused and used once more
    Fears that nears with tears to pour.

    Viral spiral spinning deep
    Shrinking, sinking hole to weep
    Hopeless, helpless path to take
    Wishing, wanting to have a break.

    Silence screams, yet apathy
    Faceless, voiceless need you and me
    Why must pain and hurt prolong
    protect, defend and make them strong.

    We are called to help the weak
    The trafficked trapped who cannot speak
    Our choice, our voice to set them free
    It begins with you and me.

    The theft that left a hollowed shell
    And empty life now living hell
    Will apathy dictate your life
    Or will you end their pain and strife?

    A child is taken for monetary profit... a quick dirty deed that deadens a life and a family. Dreams and ambitions are forsaken. Families are separated and little ones begin a life of homelessness. Stolen from the arms of mom and dad, these young ones are sold to the guardianship of strangers. Too often, angry voices and violent hands replace hugs and kisses. And innocence is shattered forever.

    The painful cost of child trafficking theft on the human life is overwhelming.

    The foster care system opens the door to homelessness and a downward spiral of endless troubles. Children are shuffled from home to home, never establishing roots or security. Many find their way to the streets, in sex trafficking, prison... or in an early grave. Most of these innocent faces become numb and a shell of former self. Gone is laughter, playfulness, dreaming, imagination and hope.

    The painful cost of child trafficking leaves a graveyard of faceless ghosts on the future of our world.

    For those who can exist from being stolen, they carry a lifelong weight of baggage. Psychological trauma of hopelessness, helplessness, abandonment, loneliness, fear, failure, forsakenness, abuse, neglect, hurt, guilt, feelings of suicide and death. Scenes and memories play like a horror tape, stuck on a twilight zone repeat.

    The painful cost of child trafficking not only affects children, but mom, dad, extended families, friends, communities and the world. The ripple becomes a title wave of pain.

    Mom and dad fight for the rights of their little ones. They can be seen in courtrooms, as they plea for justice, only to find bought off judges and lawyers. The system is stacked up against them, as they pour their life savings down an endless pit of legal barbwire. What can they do? Where can they turn?

    The painful cost of child trafficking cannot be left in the care of apathy and selfish greed.

    The voiceless and helpless innocent need a strong friend to defend and protect them against these child trafficking thieves like the CPS, and other money profiting rings. You and I are their voice. We can speak for them and preserve innocence. It is up to us to families free. Will you join me in protecting children and together end the pain and strife?

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