in familyprotection •  2 months ago

    Some days ago I posted news about new anti-family laws and rules that will set up total control over families, especially if parents reject from vacctionation.

    Despite the fast that vaccination is voluntary in my country, officials so their best to make life of these families hard.
    These new changes had to bring new conditions for evaluating families with unvaccinated kids.
    They had to be considered like families with "low social responsibility" that would attrack CPS attention at once.

    It seems to me socuety has already touched their way of influence on such kind of laws and rules.
    When family protectors and activists started to raise social outrage and write claims to upper officials, all tries to set these new rules were finished!

    Yesterday officials of that region had online translation and connection with people who asked questions about these new rules.

    At first they just ignored them!
    But when people threatened to appeal to the governor, they replied an once!!

    They said that "vaccination is voluntary, there is definite order how to reject from kids vacctionation".

    Well, but the most funny was how they try to influnece people's opinion saying about "high social risks for an unvaccinated kid's health and for health of people around him", about "pure vaccines and high level of their production, including flu and COVID vaccines", about "the right choice and the effects of the reject".

    Again hidden threats!

    But the main victory was after this speech!
    They denied the previous letter about new anti-family rules!

    They said "it need to be corrected":)

    People's outrage has stopped one more anti-family law!

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