in familyprotection •  5 months ago

    Great news!

    These changes were a dream of all organisatrions who protect family rights in my country. All families who suffered from CPS outrage demanded to create such norms, but till this year officials were "deaf" to these requests.

    Now the situation has changed!

    Representatives of CPS or police officers who illegally removed a child from their family face up to 8 years in prison.
    A package of amendments that would introduce criminal liability for the removal of children without sufficient grounds will be submitted for consideration this year.
    And accorsing to the fact that 2024 is called "Family Year" in my place, these laws really can become a part of the Constitution.

    For the unlawful removal of a child from the family, any person faces punishment in the form of a fine of 40 thousand rubles, compulsory labor or arrest for up to 6 months.

    If the removal of a child was accompanied by violence or it entailed serious consequences for the child, then the person faces up to 8 years of imprisonment.

    According to statistics provided by child rights advocates, only 6% of children were removed from their families due to a direct threat to their life and health. 2% - for child abuse.
    More than 90% of cases of deprivation of parental rights are a consequence of the interpretation of the law by an individual CPS representative.

    The rules for depriving parental rights are also likely to undergo changes.
    Now there are 2 ways:

    • parents can be limited in their rights to the child
    • or deprived of them completely.

    However, the restriction, according to experts, is used extremely rarely. Now it can become a mandatory step before the complete deprivation of parental rights.

    In addition, a procedure for removing a child can be made only after a court decision.

    CPS submit all documents to the court within 48 hours. After this, within 8 hours the court must decide whether theis actions are legal or not.

    It's really great and important changes that can save many families from CPS outrage! We all do hope they will be taken and signed this year. - source

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