in familyprotection •  3 months ago

    A shocking initiative was created two yerars ago, and if in 2022 it was just discussions, now it has become reality - minors will decide destiny of families!

    Juvenile activists pushed a new law - on the participation of members of the “Russian Movement of Children and Youth” in meetings of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs in St. Petersburg and the region.


    Any minor from 6 to 18 years old can become a member of the movement.
    In accordance with the new law, it is assumed that anyone from 6 to 18 will participate in the decision-making of the Control Committee, including by voting.

    Can you imagine it?
    Kids who have no citizen rights will decide serious questions about parental rights of other families!

    Now family protectors do everything to ensure that this initiative does not pass. Its adoption at the level of St. Petersburg will definitely provoke the adoption of such savagery in the regions.

    But it's not all.
    Juvenile "sharks" are going to increase fines under Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (improper education).
    And if a family has more than 3 fines, parents can lose their rights for kids at all!

    Reasons for fines are trash as always - not enough care to kids, too much care to kids, bad attitude, bad food.....

    Now these penalties are low - about 10$, but not money is the main - but the fact you've received this fine, and thus you're in Black list of CPS already!

    So the Commission on Minors' Affairs is the beginning of deprivation, and, therefore, a necessary link for the development of the institution of professional parenthood instead of blood parenting.

    So both increasing fines as well as including minors to the Commission on Minors' Affairs are a juvenile anti-family initiative.

    Now society is trying to influence this outrage and stop it.

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