in familyprotection •  4 months ago

    it's the part II of my previous post that opens truth for digitalization of education and interference of all digital platforms into educational process.

    The Ministry of Education is now launching the platform “My School”, which will be a real juvenile platform for families, though they don't realize it. An electronic diary with a social rating system is attached to it.

    And all these rating systems influence education and kids very much! They are taught not to be friendly and united but to be always better that your classmate, even if you need to sink it for your own benefits.
    Teachers all the time say that this rating system will influence their future life, morever, they can have problems with CPS already tomorrow, if they have a bad rating level today. So kids are sticked to this rating, and are made not to study but to follow it all the time. It all looks like a bad PC game...

    A new educational platform will include some kind of digital psychological and pedagogical service.
    Simply put, this will be a helpline, only unlike a regular telephone, where the employee still needs to find out the child’s details, the employee at the other end will already have complete information about the child, and with any careless revelation, the child will immediately fall into the identification system, and will be registered.

    Well, the main question is: why does the Ministry of Education need all this?

    The reply is in a very important detail.
    A new platform includes another system - this is a data bank of children for adoption.

    It looks likes an online store. You can select a child according to the desired parameters. Eye color, hair color, age, region, video profile, everything is there and everything is in the public domain for everyone.
    36,000 profiles.
    And these are not only children whose parents are deprived of their rights.!
    There are many children there whose parents have temporarily LIMITED rights. But they are already there!!

    And while the mother runs around in horror and collects certificates for CPS, her child’s profile is already being looked at by paid guardians, for whom he will be a source of stable income.

    Practice shows that if such a child ends up in a foster family, then it becomes difficult to return him back, because for that family he becomes income, as well as for the CPS, which checks on that family, with whom guardians can often share income only If only the child would remain with them as long as possible.

    Juvenile lobby is working hard as far as we see, and the obly hope is for active society and help of fair officials and public activists who are also working hard to make it loud and thus to stop it.


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