in familyprotection •  3 months ago

    If there are more than 2 kids in a family, CPS always pays much attention to them. They think they are more defenseless than others because many kids require mcuh time, care and money, and at least one point can be missed, as they hope.
    In this case they put their dirty hands into this family life and it's really hard to be free from their "care".

    There are some cases when CPS attack families having no visible reasons for it.
    Just like in this case of Logachevs family from Chelyabinsk region of my country.
    The parents are together more than 15 years!
    They have 4 nice kids.
    Conditions of their life aren't perfect, the family feels lack of money, but kids have all they need. Parents do NOT drink alcochol at all.

    The reason for CPS 'care" is bad marks of the eldest son and not very clean house.
    The boy is a teenager, what good marks? It's normal for 90% of teenagers, they think of freedom, love and protest for anything.
    Not very clean house - well, they have 4 kids! and the house isn't new, it's really an old and not very good house with very old stove inside that helps the family to get warmth in winter.

    The stove is in bad condition, and parents asked local officials for help in repairing it. Instead of the help, they got CPS "care"...

    With enviable regularity, CPS came to Tamara, the mother, spoke about the dangers of drunkenness (neither her husband nor Tamara drink), threatened with criminal charges...

    People asked for help in social nets and public lawyers who at once started their campaign of struggle with CPS outrage. Many people donated money to help the family.

    When neighbours saw parents needed help to be saved from CPS "care", they bought materials, called a stove maker, who carried out the necessary cleaning and minor repairs to the stove.
    Now it works much better, but didn't officials help family in hard situation??

    that's the only they did for them - a very poor set of products.
    Is it savement from CPS??

    Now one of the most famous family protectors leads this case and informs society about news, so I do have a hope for their freedom.

    here in her social net channel she asks readers to support her initiative and informing higher officials about this family problem.

    On the 2nd of April, there will be the main court session.

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