in familyprotection •  2 months ago

    All people who are aware of familyprotection news and events know about Jugendampt - a German family department that has huge power in decision of family questions and ....takinf kids away.
    Germany is one of the world leaders in cruel family politics and number of cases of unresonable removing kids out of families.

    Now, according to the recent events, in my country officials who are a part of juvenile lobby, are going to create the 2nd Jugendampt in Russia. So they want to create a new department that will study and follow all problem family cases and will have power to decide them.
    They mean to take kids away??

    Info about these plans appeared some years ago, but society activists stopped this initiative. This year they set a new record in juvenile news and initiatives, and these plans are in the center of them.

    Now heads of the Paliament support this news as well, and it's really serious now, this support mean very much..

    All family protectos try to unite their power to stop this changes because we know what this ministry will do. It will promote the juvenile system, engage in surveillance of families and promote feminist gender laws.

    From the other hand, 3 days ago our President again noticed that family questions require empathy, wisdom and patience. Nobody has a right to interfere into familes without good reasons for it.

    He said that "No ministry, no social worker has a right to take kids away because of absence of orange fresh for their breakfast. It touches families with low income as well. The state has to help these kids, not to remove them from their parents.
    Love is the main point of these questions, and if parents love their kids, there are no reasons to destroy families".

    The head of the state always is against juvenile justice here.
    Nothing can be done against the Presidents' words here. But we all know how CPS can adapt and change them to cover their interests.

    again the only hope is for people's power.

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