in familyprotection •  3 months ago

    Digitalization touches not only education but CPS activity as well, and now it has become one more assistant for this family services in their hunting for kids.

    A digital family surveillance system is being created in Novosibirsk, one of Russian cities.

    The Novosibir portal reports:

    “The region is working on the creation of the Digital Family Curator service, which will help prevent situations of child and family dysfunction, as well as organize work with children and families to prevent social orphanhood.
    Using a mobile application, a specialist on his tablet will quickly conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the family, plan activities to work with it and specifically select services and institutions that will provide assistance to a family that is in a difficult life situation. The application will provide the ability to keep track of the work being carried out and track the progress towards achieving a positive result.”


    Sounds so innocent and caring. As always. But in fact it's one more wolf hidden in a sheep.

    Preventing some kind of trouble means tracking for families. And to reach this goal a very cunning scheme will be used - families will enter the system through the “Card of a Resident of the Novosibirsk Region” service when they apply for the baby food they are entitled to.

    So if you need to get state support and some free food for your kid - you're welcome to be digitally tracked!
    Now this food will not be free: you will have to pay for it by agreeing to digital surveillance.

    What will be the next?
    Maybe the social rating system like in China?

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