in familyprotection •  5 months ago

    Studying news about CPS outrage, I saw a very useful comment of one of the lawyers who protect families.

    He gave the following advice: "Never follow CPS demands connecting registration and treatment in the Drug Dispensary. It's a trap that has already destoyed many families."

    What does it mean?

    In fact, there are many situations with CPS intervention into families under the reason of alcocholic problems of parents.
    We do know that it can be very far from reality, CPS workers can use ANY fact connecting with alcochol even if it has nothing to do with bad parenthood: buying beer in the market, having alcochol at home, being "drunk" during holidays (even if it was one glass of light wine).
    They can make an elephant of any fly - it's their job.

    Using this reason as one of ther leading ones, they can take kids away and give demands to lost Moms - registration in the Drug Dispensary, having docs about treatment.

    Shocked Moms who are lost and frightened for their kids are ready to do anything to return kids back!
    Of course, they go to this Drug Dispensary, make registration to get docs they are fine and healthy and to show them to CPS.

    And it's their fatal mistake.

    As the lawyer says there are places from where parents should keep as far as they can to safe their families and kids from CPS attacks, and the Drug Despensary is one of them.

    No matter what you did there, and how long you were there, the fact you've registration in suchna place can be a reason for CPS not to give your kids back.

    So at first they demand: "Come and bring docs from the Drug Dispensary that you're not an alcocholic."

    And when parents do it, they get a reply: "Oh....you've registration in the Drug Dispensary! You're not safe for your kids!"

    Of course, parents try to turn the situation back and to proof in the court how it all happened, but the process can last many months! even years!

    That's why the lawyer advices never follow CPS demands without help of a good family protection specialist. Only they are aware of all traps juvenile justice uses to destroy families.

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