26 Rhymes Of Littered Emotion - Original Poem And Commentary - Enjoy with Troy!

in familyprotection •  3 months ago



    26 rhymes of littered emotion, trafficked crimes, cry the children to free
    Need our help, protection, devotion, require our action and not apathy.

    26 Rhymes Of Littered Emotion

    Abandoned abused, abducted, alone
    Banished, bruised, battered to the bone.
    Crushed, crumbled corralled like cattle,
    Depressed, deceived disgraced and dismantled.
    Enslaved, engulfed, extorted, erased
    Fearful, frightened, faithless defaced.
    Ghostly, gruesome, gripped by a gang.
    Helpless, hurting, hopeless to hang.
    Injured innocence, iisolated, impaled.
    Jabbed, judged, juggled and jailed.
    Kidnapped, kicked, killed, kept.
    Longing, lifeless, lonely, left.
    Maimed, marred, muzzled and mum,
    Neglected, nameless, null, numb.
    Occurrence, obstruction, our ordered objection,
    Prevention, preserving from pain with protection.
    Quagmire quotas, questions in quiet
    Ruthlessly ruined, a runaway riot.
    Shattered, spattered, spiraled for sale
    Trafficked, tortured, travesty's tale.
    Uncared, unkept, unloved and used
    Voiceless victims vanish from view
    Wasted, wounded, a world gone wild
    Excluded, expelled, exploited, exiled
    Yoked young, who yearn for you.
    Zapped, zilch, a zombie zoo.

    Thirteen couplets, twenty six letters, and over one hundred words of littered emotions... yet thousands of children who are stolen and sold into a world of tyrannical misery. No poem can express the pain these families are forced to face, at the hand of child traffickers and the CPS.

    It starts with a phone call or a knock at the door. Children are preyed upon and stalked in theft for sale into a world of danger. Through intimidation, manipulation and outright lies, little ones are quickly made homeless and helpless. The future of the innocent is shuffled from one foster home to another to still another, without establishing roots and forfeiting dreams. Risking their lives in the care of strangers, they may live on the streets, do jail or prison time, be trafficked for sex or wind up dead.

    And all for the greet of a for-profit governmental business called the CPS, where profit is valued over people. Quotas and bonuses mean everything. The hunt becomes an addiction like a nasty narcotic.

    Mom and dad often spend their life savings to reclaim their children. Sadly, they learn that the judicial system is rigged with corrupt judges and paid off lawyers. And what are they left with but psychological and emotional baggage. Anguish, abandonment, hopelessness, helplessness, fear, failure, numbness, nightmares, terror, guilt, tears, destress, bruises, brokenness, weariness, wounds, suicide... and even death. The zombie shell becomes a downward spiral for which few return. Unless.

    Unless we step forward to be the voice and protection for the innocent. Unless we abandon apathy and chose action. Unless we stand together and be a friend to families and children. We can end the CPS and child trafficking once and for all. This post is more than a mere experiment in alphabetical poetry. This is a cry for help. Will you join us and answer the cry? Honestly would you want your child to go though this hell?

    26 rhymes of littered emotion, trafficked crimes, cry the children to free
    Need our help, protection, devotion, require our action and not apathy.

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