Dog Language 2

in engrave •  23 days ago

    Well, Many of the pet parents read the article which I wrote last week. The article “Dog Language 1” and how to understand their behaviour and language. Around 97% of people who read that article got impressed and asked me for more articles about pets, especially dog. I got overwhelmed by their response. So, i am writing this article about “Dog Language 2”.

    Spending time with stray dogs

    Erect Ears

    Most of the pet’s parents always see their dog’s ears are erect, either one or both ears could be erect, and even sometimes their ears turn and pointed towards some direction, it’s a very simple sign that their pet dog has heard something from far distance where our human ears can’t catch that sound, because it’s very minute and they just get interested to that sound or thing and they want to know more about that thing or sound to experience it.

    Dogs can hear twice as an average human can hear, even they are capability of hearing can increase as four times more than human ears. ie) if we can hear a sound from a maximum distance of 10 meters, they can hear sounds up to 40 meters of distance.

    ie) Pets has a capable of hearing crystal clear sound of anything such as owner bike’s sound, foot sound while walking on the stairs, bird chirping sounds and so on. At that time, they erect their ears to catch and follow the sounds of what they hear.

    Max the German shepherd dog standing alert with erect ears.

    Wide eyes

    Well, sometimes pet parents may see their pet dog eyes open widely and brightly and doesn’t even blink for a moment, it could be the signal that their pet dog got very aggressive and in an extreme anger which lead to an attack. We should be careful of this situation and we must try to avoid the situation by taking away your pet dogs, or making the stranger or other pets to move away from that place.

    ie) Dog shows this kind of behaviour when a strange person enters into a house, or someone brings a new pet to the dog’s home.

    Glory the mongrel dog with alert wide open eyes

    Lie Down and Show Tummy

    Well, the above two behaviors denoting the aggressiveness or an alert sign, but this is a very cool one, when pet parents see their dogs lie down when they play with them and show their tummy to tickle them or massage them, It indicates that their pet dog believes the owner 100% percent, and the person or pet parent whom it shows this signs could be happy that they could be assured that pet dog believes them a lot and it thinks they are harmless to them.

    This peculiar behavior shall be shown by the dogs only to very few people who resides with them, but this kind behavior is not shown to all people by the dog.

    Froodo the labrador retriever dog lying down and showing its tummy to play

    Exposed Teeth

    When your pet dog moves its lips up and show its teeth closed with an unusual growling sound, It indicates that your pet dog is very aggressive, It will attack and bite anyone who ever stands opposite to it, so it’s better to stay away from that dog which shows this sign of behavior, as the dog calms down you can go near and find the problem and solve it.

    ie) Dogs show this behavior when someone disturbs them when they eat, or when they sleep, or some frequent irritation of surrounding sounds, beating or misbehavior of pet parent towards their dog.

    Ruthra the Rottweiler dog showing its exposed teeth

    Leaving Alone

    Most of the pet parent will be very busy and doesn’t have much time to spend with their pet dogs, when they go to work they will be back at night only, they won’t have enough time to spend with their dogs, so their pet dogs may lead to spend their whole day alone which causes a depressed state to them.

    To avoid this situation, there is a simple trick but a bit funny one, the pet parents may leave their used shirts or worn one with their pets while leaving home. The sweat smell comes from their shirts or dresses of their pet parents which makes the dog to feel not lonely in the home.

    This trick tried by few people and worked for them. So, please just make a try and know about the chances of this trick working.

    Dog’s smelling power is 40 to 50 times greater than humans. ie) If we can smell someone cooks non veg in the next house of our home, they can smell that someone cooks non veg 40 to 50 houses away from our home.

    Neo the golden white retriever lying down alone

    Introduce New Pet to a Dog

    Well, Not only humans but dogs do feel jealous when affection could be showed more to other pets than them, when we people think of introducing new pet into their home when a dog is already present in their home, their old pet dog may feel jealous over the new pet and may start to show aggression towards the newcomer.

    To avoid this situation, we should talk to our dog while introducing a new pet, just say they are friends, they should take care of each other, and they should not fight and convey that we will show equal an amount of love to both pets and won’t show partiality towards them. As you say, the already present pet dog may feel comfortable and accept the new pet inside the home, but most importantly we should keep up our words by not showing partiality between the new pet and the old pet dog.

    Richy the mongrel puppy and jovin his new pet calf

    Note: The things given in this article may not suit all dogs, some may work and some may not, try at your own risk.

    Originally posted on Vige.Dr. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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