The Illusion Of Free Market

in economy •  27 days ago

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    We live in an economy where you taxed on dozens of different things (inherently unfree), where you can be taxed at all, where almost all forms of work are illegal without government supervision on your training and licensing, where there are thousands of pages of codes for each kind of work, where there are thousands of pages of tax law and more, where it is illegal to provide roads, healthcare, investigation, enforcement, protection and so on in a private sense that means anything, in which you can have the government actively choose to give someone a monopoly by subsidising, loaning, and so on. A system where the central bank can endorse credit lines to the point of evaporating the dollar by 4 - 16% every year. One where they can literally ban you from exporting things, or say you have to give them money to do so, even if it's not related to shipping expenses, just because.
    We live in a market with wage laws
    We are nowhere near a free market, which is what people mean by ''capitalist'' mosto f the time, we are ''mixed market'' at best
    In truth we have more regulations and laws than ever before, government corruption and dominance is extremely strong, imperialistic and criminal powers like the USA dominate the entire planet, and so on, mixed market is generous, because the truth is you're barely allowed to do shit
    But to go as far to say capitalist, unless you merely mean private property, is absurd
    We haven't had a single capitalist system because authoritarianism dominates culture, and is also the most gain for noble and entrenched power systems
    What kind of King, outside of a very noble one, sacrifices the reins of power over others, completely?
    What kind of King is so worldly as to reject the notion that his beliefs are better than everyone else, and that he can do more good with the power, and so on?
    It's a rare king, and it's often the kind of king that gets murdered by every other noble when he tries. terracore

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