Is the Economy Ignoring High Interest Rates?

in economy •  last month

    I don’t think stocks/commodities have accepted US inflation yet
    Everything still seems fairly optimistic
    High rates haven’t really hit the economy, government needs to cut spending
    Only issue is I can see rates staying the same and the economy booming
    Asset prices go up during low rates as money transfers from low interest bonds
    And down when rates are high as people put their money into bonds
    High Inflation means commodities and inflation protected stocks do well. They've been spending like drunken sailors for decades. They won't agree on what needs to be cut. I don't see it changing until they run us into the ground. Then point fingers at each other as per usual. The fed should have been banned from taking more than 10% of gdp for debt and only in an emergency
    And of course be required to pay it back once emergency ends
    Lucky states can’t take on debt or you’d have Canadas problem where individual provinces run higher deficits than the fed. Countries with high inflation need to learn to stop printing money and control their spending. Adopting bitcoin ain't going to do much if they can't have sound fiscal policy. terracore
    How are they going to get bitcoin in first place? Someone dumb enough to give them bitcoin in exchange for their worthless local currency?

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