Purple pride.... ecency-star prompt.

in ecency-star •  3 months ago

    Greetings, everyone 🤗.

    Flowers are the attractive parts of a plant. These beautifully coloured petals cause a delight to the eyes and a joy to nose with their fragrance. All over the world, flowers have been used for different reasons and occasions such as birthdays, weddings, funerals, graduation and others. Flowers are usually given as gifts to express an unwritten message from the giver to the recipient.

    The way and mamner by which a flower is used also sets the stage for its purpose. Diverse cultures have their different representation of a flowers symbolism. During the Victorian era in Europe, there was a compulsory flower handbook that contained the various representations of flower and what they symbolized. Also the way and mannner the flower bouquet is given also speaks volumes.

    photo by Quang Nguyen vinh

    If the bouquet is given with a right hand, that represents affirmation but if with the left hand, that means rejection. Even the way the bouquet is arranged or the way the bow is tied has meaning. All these sums up the flower language.

    Red roses says I love you, pink roses say silent beauty while yellow roses say I'm jealous. Daisy says *I'm loyal, gentle and I can keep secrets while Sweet William says I am gallant. These are just snippets to what flowers say and represent.

    Favourite flower

    My favourite flower is Lavender. This purple petaled beauty is a flower that represents purity, serenity, * devotion*, calmness and grace. It also has its symbolism connected to royalty as it depicts elegance, beauty, refinement and luxury. These symbolics really connect with my personality and represent what I cherish and stand for, plus colour purple is my second favourite colour after royal blue. All the more reason for lavender being my favourite choice of flowers.

    Lavenders also have spiritual uses as it can be used for cleansing the body before engaging in deep meditations by monks. It is also believed to ward off evil spirits and negative energies around a place.

    photo by Lil Artsy

    Lavender petals can be infused into bath water as it has healing qualities for the skin. It is also made into essential oils that help relieve anxiety and migranes caused by stress. It can also be used to combat insomnia.

    These and many more qualities of the lavender flower, endear it to me.

    This post is in response to the #ecency-star weekly round contest.

    Thank you for reading....shalom.

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