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in diy •  5 months ago


    Few months ago I basically ripped down all the interior (read:inferior) walls of our bathroom/sauna in the basement. Of course the project came at the worst time, in the dead of winter but it is what it is. The project has been on hold for a while but now I’m finally moving it along.

    I had 599 kilos of Kahi limestone concrete blocks delivered today and I had to carry them in by hand. That was a good brisk workout in the -25°C weather. I still need to carry the blocks into the sauna but that’s not so bad when I can do just a bit at a time as needed.


    The new brick walls will be at the same places as the old drywalls were, but I’m making one wall in an L-shape and putting a bronze colour glass in together with a new door that has 180° hinges. I’m also adding a niche for shampoo bottles, I think those always look really nice.


    I’m just playing aroung with my adult legos here but I think I’ll be brave enough to start on the back wall tomorrow. I’m only doing one layer of bricks on the back to raise up the wood studs from the ground, adding in a more sophisticated insulation than the nasty moist fiberglass bullshit there used to be. I also need to put in new ventilation pipes but that should be a no brainer, the holes are already there.

    I saved all the wall panels and I have extra from the ceiling on the shower side so I should be good with those ever if I need to change out some with splinters. I am playing with the idea of using a dark coloured wax to stain the walls and ceiling, while leaving the benches light for contrast. I need to do a trial because I don’t know what is on the panels at the moment, some kind of light varnish for sure.

    There is so much to do until this whole project is finished, but I’ll be very happy once I get the sauna back into working condition. Once I get that up and running, I can work on the shower side in peace and not worry about the sauna anymore.

    Btw, I have never done anything like this before but it can’t be rocket science right? I’ll figure it out! Sauna back in use by midsummer? I fucking hope so!

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