Finished Portrait Illustration of a Viking Man / Pencil Sketch / Digital Art

in digitalart •  4 months ago


    This is my digital painting illustration of a Viking man, which initially started as a pencil sketch, that I later took into Photoshop and painted over.


    This was my intial pencil sketch in my A4 moleskine sketchbook which I really liked. I decided I wanted to paint it!

    I took the sketch into Photoshop, and began painting directly on top of the pencil sketch on another layer.


    I focused on painting the face initially, and then started painting in some of the fur of his coat. At this stage, I was considering painting a blue bird to his right, sat on a branch, looking directly at the Viking man, but instead, I decided to paint in some floating eagle feathers!


    The above image is the finished painting before I painted in the feathers.


    And finally the finished digital painting illustration! I painted in each individual feather, and attempted to make them look like they were in motion.

    Thank you for viewing,


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