Coming Soon to DBuzz: Encrypted Posts!

in dbuzz •  last month


    Revolutionize how you share content on DBuzz with our upcoming feature: Encrypted Posts. This new functionality will enable you to create posts that can only be decrypted and viewed by accounts you follow, significantly enhancing your privacy and security.

    Why Encrypted Posts?

    In today's digital landscape, protecting your data is more important than ever. With Encrypted Posts, you gain full control over who can access your content. This feature ensures that sensitive information is shared securely and only with trusted accounts.

    Key Features

    Enhanced Privacy

    Your posts will be encrypted to accounts you follow, ensuring that only they can read them. This added layer of security guarantees that your private content remains private.

    Secure Key Distribution

    We use custom JSON transactions to securely distribute the encrypted key to accounts you follow. Each follower's public key is utilized to encrypt the post-specific key, ensuring secure and exclusive access.

    Profile Integration

    Your encryption key will be encoded and stored in your profile metadata, enabling the encryption of future posts. Each encrypted post will include the transaction ID of the custom JSON post, which contains your followers' encrypted keys, ensuring easy access to the necessary decryption keys directly from the post.

    Easy Decryption

    When followers view your encrypted post, they will see a "Decrypt Post" button. Clicking this button will allow them to use their private key to decrypt and read your content securely.

    Filtered Feeds

    Encrypted posts from users who are not your followers will be filtered out of your feeds. You will only see posts that you can decode, ensuring a clutter-free and relevant feed.

    Rewards Set to Null

    To uphold Hive rewards standards, rewards for encrypted posts will be set to @null.

    How It Works

    Public Key Aggregation and Storage

    Our backend server continually aggregates the public keys of all Hive users, regularly updating the list to ensure the latest keys are used. This allows us to efficiently fetch the keys of all accounts you follow, enabling the secure distribution of the encrypted key via custom JSON transactions.

    Encryption Key Creation and Storage

    A unique encryption key is created for each user and stored securely in their profile metadata. This key will be used to encrypt all future encrypted posts until the user decides to update their encryption key. When an update is made, a new custom JSON transaction will be created and used for future encrypted posts.

    Post Creation with Encryption

    When creating a new post, you will have the option to enable encryption. The encryption key will be used to encrypt the post, and the transaction ID of the custom JSON post (containing the decryption keys) will be included in the encrypted post.

    Decryption Mechanism on Front-End

    To decrypt a post, followers will click the "Decrypt Post" button. This action fetches the transaction ID directly from the post, retrieves the encrypted keys, and uses their private key to decode the post.


    We are introducing this new feature to DBuzz to enhance your privacy and control over your content. Encrypted Posts will ensure that only the accounts you follow can view your posts, providing you with peace of mind in the digital age. Stay tuned for the release and start sharing securely with DBuzz!

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