It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. (Aristotle Onassis)

in darkness •  last month

    It is easy to be full of encouragement and live with a strong vision when life is good and your muscles say hurray, and you wake up in the morning with a strong purpose. But, when you wake up feeling the total opposite, then it is hard to get out of bed and hard to get the necessary tasks done the way you would like to get them done. And yet, it is in such situations, when we lack inspiration and when it is dark around us, that we must fight to see the light.

    Source: Bing Designer

    That is why it is important to be surrounded by people who help us see the light, and also keep our goals and vision visible around us, helping us to see the light in situations and days of darkness.

    Isn't that a nice word of inspiration on this Saturday?

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