HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #106

in curation-compilation •  3 months ago
    Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

    This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

    It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

    Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

    Highlighted Posts:

    Curated By:
    Author: @universoperdido

    Community: The Ink Well
    Green Eyes - The Ink Well Fiction Prompt [ENG - ESP]
    Photo by Mickael Gresset on Unsplash I always thought it would be beautiful to be in love. It took a long time for me to experience such a sensation. I envied those who were fortunate enough to know love, and those; coupled with a blatant hatred, who refused to bathe in the warm springs of that feeling. I was not much of a talker unless I was in front of a screen ...
    Author: @littlepiggies

    Community: The Ink Well
    A Quiet Night (The Ink Well Prompt #165)
    Prompt Prompt Word: Dream Catcher Perched high up on a tree branch, the owl bobbed it’s head briskly as it’s yellow eyes glared absently into the night sky. His head quickly rotated down as his eyes zeroed in on a mouse scampering across the dirt, then through a patch of shrubs, and out of sight. The owl then resumed his blank stare with occasional brisk head bobs as he scanned the night sky. The mouse had felt the pressure of the owl’s gaze and instinctively went through a small opening in the birchbark wall of the dome where Naajwi, the little girl, snored lightly ...
    Author: @loveth97

    Community: The Ink Well
    A failed revenge
    “Ivie Ivie Ivie... ” the voice persistently called through the darkness until Ivie opened her eyes and followed the sound of the voice. Barefoot, she walked out of her house and into the dark. “Ivie Ivie Ivie ...

    Curated By:
    Author: @burlarj

    Community: The City of Neoxian
    My review of the Movie : Afamefuna An Nwa Boy story
    This movie has been trending on Netflix for some weeks but I kept ignoring it not until I saw some reviews about it which makes me interested in watching it. The storyline was topnotch and there was a scene that reminded me of a past memory. A scene where Odogwu ate in the Office and after he was done, He called his apprentice to take and eat the rest. Years ago, I was working in a factory that remade used Cartons, we were just 3 working for my boss and he would take turns sending us food, when he had eaten to his satisfaction, he would call one of us to come and carry the remaining so we can eat and wash the plate, it is something I always look up to because the food is delicious, so seeing such act in this movie brought back that memory ...
    Author: @mypathtofire

    Community: Cycling
    Bike Tyre Change
    I dusted off the cobwebs of my bike last week and discovered a puncture or not properly pumping innertube on one of my wheels. This week, I took delivery of my new supplies and was ready for the next maintenance job on my bike, 2 tyre changes with new inntertubes. This gear set me back around €35 including postage, which I think is a pretty good deal. I did consider some more expensive tyres, but I was unsure about them without seeing them first and being sure they were suitable and could give me some extra performance, therefore I stuck with the Schwalbe ones ...
    Musical Moments that Inspire!
    Evidently our successful tour of Spain is over and the artistic growth and musical ties are stronger than ever with this and other European countries. However, photographs, videos and anecdotes of this pleasant experience continue to appear. Personally, you already know that my love for music is great, but I look back at everything we did in such a short time and I can't believe it, I feel more inspired to follow this path. Yesterday was the first rehearsal of the choir, almost two weeks after our return to Caracas, it was Friday, a strange day to start a new stage, and yet we were all present ...

    Curated By:
    Back at home in Australia, murder is afoot. As I left the disappearance of Samantha Murphy, a woman my age in Ballarat, a town only an hour from me, had disappeared. An extensive search seemingly resulted in nothing, until the arrest of a young tradie who has been accused of the murder, the son of a footballer, the boyfriend of a young woman his age. Hundreds of woman joined a run to finish the route she started ...
    Author: @jacey.boldart

    Community: art
    Amaryllis - Practice Project 7
    I'm back ! I should have been back sooner, but the project that should have been project 7 has gone awry so many times, I haven't gotten it finished. I think it will end up being a scrapped design and I'll start a new piece right over it. Hey ...

    Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

    If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

    Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

    Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
    Any community or project that has deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

    Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
    Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

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    © 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
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