HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #114

in curation-compilation •  3 months ago
    Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

    This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

    It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

    Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

    Highlighted Posts:

    Curated By:
    Author: @nancybriti1

    Community: The Ink Well
    Fiction: Nothing to fear/ No hay nada que temer (ENG/ ESP)
    Nothing to fear Every day, before leaving for work at the bakery, my mother would kiss the sole of my left hand and leave the mark of her lipstick on it. That ritual was so that when I woke up, I would know that she had kissed me before she left and that she would be back in a few hours. That morning, when I woke up, the mark of her red lipstick was on my hand and, as always, I brought it to my cheek as if my mother was kissing my face. My aunt Edelmira saw that I had woken up and immediately asked me: "What are you going to eat, Camila"? ...
    Author: @jjmusa2004

    Community: The Ink Well
    The first position
    "Why don't you crawl back to whatever hole you came out of"? You're not welcome here," I said angrily at Tanya, the new girl who joined our school, Great Minds High School, barely four months ago. I faced her in the corridor of our class, SS2 B, shortly after most of our classmates had left, finding the right opportunity to attack her. Tunde, my best friend, has warned me not to confront her, but I wouldn't heed ...
    Author: @marriot5464

    Community: The Ink Well
    Echoes of Regret
    picture generate by me using MetaAi “But why don't you want to come home, Sarah? Come see your mom; it's been five years since you left home,“ Sarah's mom asked over the phone. “Trust me, mom, I want to; it's just that this promotion is a big one for me. I can't take a leave at this point,” Sarah fired back with reasons ...

    Curated By:
    Author: @syllem

    Community: Ladies of Hive
    El estrés laboral en mi vida [ESP/ENG]
    ¡Hola chicas hermosas de LOH! Un placer estar nuevamente por aquí, participando en la de la iniciativa que esta comunidad nos trae semana a semana, esta vez con las siguientes propuestas: Hello LOH beautiful girls! A pleasure to be here again, participating in the of the initiative that this community brings us week by week, this time with the following proposals: 1️⃣ ¿Cómo gestionas el estrés laboral? ¿Lo lleva bien, o en algún momento le ha generado algún malestar de salud o problemas en la familia? ...
    First Hive Meetup - Hamburg 2024 - Day 1
    The Hive Buzzparty Meetup in Hamburg is concluded and I am traveling by train making the journey home and found some time to make a post. I have read many posts of people who attended previous HiveFest meetups and how they were a great experience and that Hive has a very special community and I can confirm after the event that this is very true and I had a great time in Hamburg and it was great to meet so many really cool Hivers in real life and have so many great conversations with the great backdrop of Hamburg where we were blessed with some great weather too. I departed early Friday morning and had a 5+ hour train ride north which went smoothly. Being a country boy here in Germany, it was a shock to arrive at Hamburg amd ve surrounded by so many people and city living ...
    Author: @pardinus

    Community: smap
    Red and gold
    Finally (hopefully) back to my posting habits; can't say it was an insane lack of time, but a whole bunch of reasons kept me away from being that active here. So might as well be back with a post for one of my favourite subjects: wildlife! Another is here, and again the theme is free! It's a gold(en) opportunity to show off these little fellas: European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis See what I did there? ...

    Curated By:
    Author: @sagarkothari88

    Community: HiveDevs
    2024-04-21 - Daily Updates from Hive Witness @sagarkothari88
    Hello Hive Community Members, Welcome to daily updates from @sagarkothari88 a Hive Witness & mobile app developer. Actively contributing to following projects on Hive Hive Hackathon Bharat 🇮🇳 Vihaan Reviewing submissions Hive sponsored hackathon at a national level VIHAAN 007 @ Bharat 🇮🇳 OFFICIAL SITE : HIVE TRACK DETAILS : I was one of the reviewer/mentor. I reviewed all submissions carefully. After thorough review of all of the submissions, I submitted my feedback for each project ...
    Author: @angelica7

    Community: Liketu
    Un tiempo para celebrar
    Momentos para celebrar En estos momentos en los cuales estoy a la espera de que salga mi aprobación para jubilarme, he estado reflexionando y organizando mi vida, en función de prepararme para esperar este tiempo que ahora tendré libre. Tiempo que ya estoy invirtiendo en aprender nuevas temas, estudiar de nuevo y sobre todo, invertir más tiempo en mí. Toda esta planificación ha llevado a que en la semana disponga de muy poco tiempo para celebraciones o salir para algún lugar, ya que, estoy ocupada casi que de domingo a domingo. En ocasiones llegan días que el cansancio se me hace visible hasta en el rostro, porque no hay manera de ocultarlo, pero, me encuentro actualmente disfrutando de todo lo nuevo que he estado aprendiendo y valorando cada momento ...
    Author: @myjob

    Community: Freewriters
    5 minute freewrite 2349 prompt share the love
    This is my post for freewriters 2349 prompt share the love hosted by @mariannewest I miss my Mother every day, but days like today are extra hard when I miss her the most. It is one of "those days" when it seems as if the world is out to get me and there is nothing I can do to stop it. If I could only sit and talk with her for a few minutes and share the love she has for me, I know her words would help. I also know she would tell me to pray on the things that bother me but even though I pray, it is not the same as when she tells me to do it and I know she is also praying with me ...

    Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

    If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

    Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

    Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
    Any community or project that has deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

    Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
    Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

    Your Friendly Discord Bot For Your Hive Community And Delegations Curation Rewards Distribution Needs!

    Currently deployed on 64 Discord servers, with over 7602 Hive users!

    © 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
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