HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #111

in curation-compilation •  3 months ago
    Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

    This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

    It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

    Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

    Highlighted Posts:

    Curated By:
    Author: @jjmusa2004

    Community: The Ink Well
    The empty seat
    I knew Mr. Felix would not let me in the lecture hall since I was already thirty minutes late, beyond the ten minute grace he gave. I stood outside the window alongside a few others who had come late. The lecture hall was large enough to contain at least five hundred students, but we were more than that in number, and it was always a struggle to get a seat. Thus, we often came early to class, especially if we wanted the front seats ...
    Author: @universoperdido

    Community: The Ink Well
    Why Would A Frog Go To The Moon? - Creative Nonfiction [ENG -ESP]
    Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash "You look nervous, boy, is your head not up to it"? said Mr. Meneses with a twisted smile as he watched me. "You did this on purpose"! These exercises don't make any sense! ...
    Author: @marriot5464

    Community: The Ink Well
    Pride Trip
    I knew Abigail from my days of Jamb lessons,but we weren't quite close. It was all a “good evening” situation between us, and we proceeded to our various seats. Never did I know that I would meet her again in university and as coursemates too. I remember how I sat in the lecture hall listening to the lecturer yell on top of his voice that particular sunny day as she walked into the class ...

    Curated By:
    Author: @yaziris

    Community: HiveDevs
    Curation & Curators Payroll Management System
    Without the proper tools to organize and incentivize efforts, curating can easily get chaotic and tedious for committed curation projects and communities. With that in mind, and by being part of and observing various curation projects' needs. The idea of this Discord Bot materialized, to offer the community a set of publicly available tools that help streamline their curation workflow. It has been a while since I've done a post about the updates made to HiveDiscoMod ...
    Author: @glorydee

    Community: NeedleWorkMonday
    My Needlework Photography Evolution
    I can still remember that day when I made my first ever crypto earning on a platform known as , I was new to the crypto world, it was around the same time I joined Hive too, learning about web3 and blockchain technology just felt overwhelming for me to comprehend all at once, so I told myself, one step at a time, as long as I keep learning, that means I'm recording progress, and so far from almost 2 years now since I came about this knowledge, I've been nothing but grateful I was introduced to the web3 world, because I didn't just learn, the knowledge gotten also made positive impacts to my entire world, and one I would be focusing on is my fashion design business and skill. Image edited with canva You know how they say that meeting the right people tends to make right things happen to you, the same goes for my journey so far on Hive blockchain, with my crypto first earning, I was able to afford myself a mannequin which not only improved my workflow by providing a way to properly display my designs, but it also made the dresses I created look far more presentable and professional. This boost in quality became especially evident after I joined the needleworkmonday community, but one challenge I also faced was good photography, I could design a beautiful dress, and place it on my mannequin, but I had difficulties with properly capturing and showcasing my creations to the online world due to the poor camera quality of my device, before yet, I didn't feel defeated, instead, I kept blogging and engaging here on Hive, and was already enjoying being a hiver, one of the perks of being a Hiver is when you are passionate about what you do ...
    Author: @intishar

    Community: Hive Learners
    A simple accident is enough to cost life
    Life is the most uncertain thing in this world, and I have said it several times in some of my articles. Anytime anything can happen, we can lose our life without any kind of sign. Accidents (road accidents) are one of the easiest examples to understand the uncertainty in life. Sometimes accidents happen, and sometimes we risk our life for some specific reasons ...

    Curated By:
    My first and only company party | Mi primera y única fiesta empresarial
    In the 80's, companies in my country had the custom of having big Christmas or anniversary parties, where they invited workers and their closest family, wives, husbands, children, raffled white goods, gave awards to the best employees and for the children they made games and many things to entertain them. En los años 80 las empresas de mi país tenían la costumbre de hacer grandes fiestas de Navidad o de aniversario, en las mismas invitaban al trabajador y a su familia más cercana, esposas, esposos hijos, realizaban rifas de artículos de línea blanca, daban reconocimientos a los mejores empleados y para los niños hacían juegos y muchas cosas para entretenerlos. I remember this party very well, because it was a whirlwind of emotions for me. I was about 4 years old and I wanted to do things when I grew up ...
    Author: @jacey.boldart

    Community: art
    My First Journal Page
    It's Friday Eve again ! Isn't it a shame if we can't view every single day with the same excitement as we view the weekend? My weekdays are a little better now while I'm playing in this new art. I have time in the evenings to spend with it and I find I really look forward to that, but then I don't want to stop and go to bed on time ...
    Author: @riverflows

    Community: Pinmapple
    Mad Like Us: Cross Country to Tata
    Oh man don't some drives just make you want to write poetry? This one cut across country from Ait Monsour to the desert highway where we would head north to Tata. Impossible to capture the aching desert silence, the sun fading the colour as it moves through the desert dust, transforming the landscape to a vintage polaroid. We imagine the ravages of time, the earth shifting, whole lake beds turned on their side, mountains created from the violent folding of the earth ...

    Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

    If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

    Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

    Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
    Any community or project that has deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

    Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
    Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

    Your Friendly Discord Bot For Your Hive Community And Delegations Curation Rewards Distribution Needs!

    Currently deployed on 63 Discord servers, with over 7576 Hive users!

    © 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
      Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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