Random crypto market thoughts

in crypto •  last month


    I fear stock market correction once the first rate cut arrives.
    the party in crypto will get interrupted briefly before resuming back again. Eth just doesn't have the spark it always had in previous bull markets. 2 cycles ago you didn't really have alternatives, all other "ETH killers" where half baked chains that don't work or were promised that they would work in the future..

    I see the hype of Solana overtaking Ether's. I don't know if Solana will flip Eth, it will probably take more than just this cycle to do so. But I believe % gains will be higher this cycle from Sol than Eth. As long as ETH SOL BTC helps pump my bags, I don't care whatever they do.
    may they run on SQL DB. I don't care. The entire "new" gen of meme coins and the hoards of scammers, rug pullers, and innocent followers are on Solana this cycle. People who invest $100 each do not want to pay $30 to buy a meme coin. It's sad that privacy coin like Monero would be a perfect medium of exchange in countries like India. Very low fees, fast, and private like cash. It's a shame terracore that the people who need privacy coins the most will likely be the last people to adopt them.

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