The Bull Cycle unofficially starts tomorrow!

in crypto •  3 months ago

    Hello SPIers, today is the BTC halving eve and these events are what many consider to be the start of the bullrun.


    As time goes by and the crypto market matures, these BTC halving events will have less of an impact on the cycle but for now, they are still important and worth celebrating. Maybe someday when BTC is knocked off the top spot, we'll remember back when the crypto market cycles were only 4 years long because of the BTC halvin event. In 20 years, the cycle could be 6-8+ years long.

    We know what the BTC halving is and understand miners' rewards are cut in half every 4ish years. The effects of this are felt through the total crypto market because the whole market is based on BTC, you could say BTC is the world reserve currency for crypto.


    When we trade on an exchange, most pairs are matched with BTC. If you have ever wondered why when the market pumps are dumps, all cryptos seem to move in unison? It's because everything is priced in BTC. Let me give you an example.

    • 1 HIVE is traded at the price of 0.000005 BTC (30 cents)
    • BTC jumps 10%
    • 1 HIVE is still traded at the price of 0.000005 BTC ( but now 33 cents)

    Closer to home, we see this happen with hive-engine tokens when HIVE pumps are dumps. If HIVE jumps 10% in a day, most HE tokens will jump 10% as well because they are being traded for the same amount of HIVE, just HIVE is worth 10% more.

    This is why BTC is so important to crypto overall and why the BTC havling event is a time to celebrate. BTC normally hits its peak 15-16 months after the halving so we've got a long time to wait for HIVEs cycle top to come in. Lucky for us, waiting seems to be something SPI does well.

    Happy BTC Halving!



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